What did the “leadership principle” mean?

Leaders should adhere to a carefully drawn code of conduct.

Every organization should have an absolute leader.

Germany should recruit leaders from its elite—the wealthy and well-educated.

Leaders should consult with those they led on a regular basis.

The leadership principle refers to the idea that leaders should adhere to a carefully drawn code of conduct. This means that leaders should have a set of principles or guidelines that they follow in order to lead effectively and make ethical decisions. These principles may include qualities such as integrity, honesty, accountability, humility, and empathy. The overall goal is for leaders to provide strong and responsible leadership, ensuring the well-being and success of those they lead. It does not necessarily imply that every organization should have an absolute leader or that leaders should only be recruited from the elite. Additionally, while leaders should consult with those they lead, the extent and frequency of consultation may vary depending on the specific situation and responsibilities of the leader.