Jordan earns 5 dollars per hour babysitting. Each week he babysits 6 hours during the week and 4 hours on the weekend how can Jordan find the amount of money he’kk have after 8 weeks?

To find the amount of money Jordan will have after 8 weeks, we need to calculate his earnings per week and then multiply that by 8.

Jordan earns 5 dollars per hour babysitting, so the amount he earns per week is:
6 hours/week * $5/hour = $<<6*5=30>>30/week

But Jordan also babysits for 4 hours on the weekends, so his total earnings per week are:
$30/week + $30/week = $<<30+30=60>>60/week

Now we can find the amount Jordan will have after 8 weeks:
$60/week * 8 weeks = $<<60*8=480>>480. Answer: \boxed{480}.