An online music club has a one-time registration fee of $20 and charges $0.50 for each song download. If Ella has $50.00 to join the club and buy songs, which inequality gives the maximum number of songs, s, she can buy?(1 point)

The inequality that gives the maximum number of songs Ella can buy is:

0.5s + 20 ≤ 50

This inequality represents the total cost of joining the club ($20) plus the cost of the song downloads ($0.50 per song) that Ella can afford with her $50. The maximum number of songs Ella can buy is represented by "s".

s ≥ 30

s ≥ 60
s ≤ 30
s ≤ 60
which on is the answer?

The answer is s ≤ 60.

This is because Ella has $50 to join the club and buy songs. The maximum number of songs she can buy is limited by the amount of money she has, so the inequality should represent that the total cost of the songs she buys (0.5s) plus the registration fee ($20) should be less than or equal to $50. Otherwise, if s is greater than 60, she would not have enough money to cover the cost.