How do tropisms help plants survive?(1 point)


Plants grow together with other plants.
Plants grow together with other plants.

Plants create their own food using chlorophyll.
Plants create their own food using chlorophyll.

Plants grow toward things they need.
Plants grow toward things they need.

Plants limit their needs in harsh conditions.

Plants grow toward things they need. This helps them to find resources such as light, water, and nutrients necessary for their survival and growth.

Plants limit their needs in harsh conditions. In challenging environments, plants may adjust their growth patterns, modify their metabolism, or even go dormant in order to conserve resources and increase their chances of survival.

chose one of the options to make my life easier

Plants grow toward things they need. This can make your life easier as it ensures that plants are able to find the necessary resources for their survival, such as sunlight for photosynthesis and water for hydration.

Use the scenario to answer the question.

A student is studying the effects of sunlight on tomato plants. She chooses 6 tomato plants, making sure that each of them receives the same amount of water and fertilizer each day. She gives one plant 0 hours of sunlight each day, with the other 5 plants receiving 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 hours of sunlight. At the end of the experiment, she has people try a tomato from each plant and has them rank the fruits by their sweetness. She also records the total number of leaves produced on each tomato plant.

Which variable was controlled in the experiment?

(1 point)

number of leaves
number of leaves

sweetness of fruit
sweetness of fruit

hours of sunlight
hours of sunlight

amount of water

The variable that was controlled in the experiment is the amount of water. The student made sure that each tomato plant received the same amount of water and fertilizer each day, while varying only the amount of sunlight each plant received. Therefore, the amount of water was controlled to ensure it did not become a factor influencing the results.

A plant is observed to have deep roots and tendrils that wrap around objects. Which pair of tropisms correctly describe these responses?(1 point)


hydrotropism and geotropism
hydrotropism and geotropism

hydrotropism and thigmotropism
hydrotropism and thigmotropism

phototropism and thigmotropism
phototropism and thigmotropism

geotropism and phototropism

The correct pair of tropisms that describe the observed responses of deep roots and tendrils wrapping around objects is geotropism and thigmotropism.

Geotropism refers to the growth or movement of a plant in response to gravity. In this case, the deep roots of the plant indicate a positive geotropism, as they grow deeper into the soil towards the direction of gravity.

Thigmotropism, on the other hand, refers to the growth or movement of a plant in response to touch or contact with an object. The tendrils wrapping around objects demonstrate a positive thigmotropism, as they respond to the physical contact and then grow towards or wrap around that object for support.

Pole beans need something to grow around and up. Which kind of stimuli can encourage this type of growth?(1 point)






Touch is the kind of stimulus that can encourage pole beans to grow around and up. When the pole beans make contact with a support structure or another object, such as a trellis or a pole, they will exhibit thigmotropism and respond by wrapping their tendrils around the support. This allows the pole beans to climb upward and grow in a vertical direction.