Reflect square ABCD with respect to the x -axis and the y -axis. What are the vertices of square A′B′C′D′ ?

Square A′B′C′D′ has vertices A′(−3,−4), B′(−7,−4), C′(−7,−8), and D′(−3,−8).
Square A′B′C′D′ has vertices A′(3,4), B′(7,4), C′(7,8), and D′(3,8).
Square A′B′C′D′ has vertices A′(−3,4), B′(−7,4), and C′(−7,8).
Square A′B′C′D′ has vertices A′(−3,4), B′(−7,4), C′(−7,8), and D′(−3,8).

Square A′B′C′D′ has vertices A′(−3,4), B′(−7,4), C′(−7,8), and D′(−3,8).