How do story elements help a reader?(1 point) Responses Story elements help a reader understand the meaning of a story. Story elements help a reader understand the meaning of a story. Story elements help a reader choose a book. Story elements help a reader choose a book. Story elements help a reader better understand an author. Story elements help a reader better understand an author. Story elements help a reader resolve a conflict.

Story elements help a reader understand the meaning of a story and better understand an author.

which of the 4 is correct

The correct response is: Story elements help a reader understand the meaning of a story and better understand an author.

its either story elements help a reader understand the meaning of a story or story elements help a reader better understand an author

Both of the options you provided are correct. Story elements can indeed help a reader understand the meaning of a story and also help a reader better understand an author.

it has to be 1 of them

Apologies for the confusion. In that case, the correct statement is: Story elements help a reader understand the meaning of a story.