What should a summary identify the most important details in the story and analysis of the story the author's purpose of the story a critique of the story

A summary should identify the most important details in the story by providing a concise and condensed overview of the main events, characters, and plot points. It should capture the essence of the story, giving readers a clear understanding of what transpires.

An analysis of the story refers to a deeper examination and interpretation of its elements, such as themes, symbolism, or narrative techniques. This can involve identifying underlying messages or exploring the story's social, political, or cultural implications.

The author's purpose refers to the intention or objective of the writer in creating the story. It could be to entertain, inform, educate, persuade, or provoke thought and reflection. Understanding the author's purpose can help readers gain insight into the story's meaning and its intended impact.

A critique of the story involves evaluating its strengths and weaknesses, discussing its effectiveness in achieving its purpose, and providing reasoned judgments or opinions. It may touch upon aspects such as character development, plot structure, writing style, or thematic coherence. It should be supported by evidence and reasoning to provide a balanced and analytical assessment.

So, in summary, a summary should capture the main details of the story, an analysis should delve deeper into its meaning and implications, the author's purpose should be identified, and a critique should evaluate the story's strengths and weaknesses.