Mention the examples for personnel who teaches the people with hearing problem

1. Sign language interpreter: This personnel specializes in teaching sign language to people with hearing problems. They are trained to interpret spoken language into sign language, allowing individuals with hearing impairments to understand and communicate effectively.

2. Speech and language therapist: These professionals help individuals with hearing problems develop speech and language skills. They teach various techniques and exercises to improve articulation, pronunciation, and communication skills.

3. Audiologist: Audiologists are licensed healthcare professionals who diagnose and treat hearing-related disorders. They work closely with individuals with hearing problems to provide hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other assistive devices. They also offer counseling and teach communication strategies to help patients cope with their hearing loss.

4. Special education teacher: Special education teachers often work with students who have a variety of disabilities, including hearing impairments. They adapt regular curriculum materials, use visual aids, and implement alternative teaching methods to ensure that students with hearing problems can access and understand the information.

5. Oral communication trainer: These professionals teach individuals with hearing problems to focus on oral communication skills. They provide exercises and techniques to enhance lip-reading, auditory attention, and speech production.

6. Deaf education teacher: Deaf education teachers specialize in teaching individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. They have extensive knowledge of specific educational strategies and technologies to facilitate learning and language development in students with hearing impairments.

7. Assistive technology specialist: These personnel help people with hearing problems choose and use appropriate assistive devices, such as hearing aids, FM systems, and captioning equipment. They instruct individuals on how to integrate and maximize the use of these technologies in their daily lives.

It's important to note that the specific role and title may vary depending on the country and educational system.