Which statement best explains how agrarianism influenced the goals of the Populist Party?(1 point)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0AThe Populist Party was a result of farmers wanting more money for crops.%0D%0AThe Populist Party was a result of farmers wanting more money for crops.%0D%0A%0D%0AThe Populist Party wanted to form an alliance between Democrats and agrarians.%0D%0AThe Populist Party wanted to form an alliance between Democrats and agrarians.%0D%0A%0D%0AThe Populist Party was formed so agrarians could vote farmers into office.%0D%0AThe Populist Party was formed so agrarians could vote farmers into office.%0D%0A%0D%0AThe Populist Party was designed to support agrarian interests in politics.

The statement "The Populist Party was designed to support agrarian interests in politics" best explains how agrarianism influenced the goals of the Populist Party.