Write an inequality that represents the following scenario. Katlyn takes 20 minutes to walk from her house to the supermarket and back. After stepping outside her house, she takes 1 minute to tie her shoes and 2 minutes to check the route on her phone. How many trips can she take to the supermarket and back in 60 minutes

Let x represent the number of trips Katlyn can take to the supermarket and back.

The time it takes for one trip is 20 minutes for walking, 1 minute for tying her shoes, and 2 minutes for checking the route on her phone. So, the time for one trip is 20 + 1 + 2 = 23 minutes.

Katlyn has 60 minutes available, so she can take a maximum of 60 / 23 = 2.61 trips.

Since Katlyn cannot take a fraction of a trip, the maximum number of trips she can take is 2.

So, the inequality representing this scenario is x ≤ 2.