What role did both men and women among plain Indians share

Among plain Indians, both men and women shared various roles and responsibilities within their societies. However, the specific division of labor and responsibilities varied among different tribes. Some common roles shared by both men and women included:

1. Hunting: While hunting primarily fell under the domain of men, women also participated in hunting activities, especially for small game. They would gather wild plant foods, set traps, or assist in driving game towards the hunters.

2. Food preparation: Both men and women played a role in food preparation. While men hunted or fished, women would process and cook the food. They would also gather and prepare plant foods like fruits, nuts, and roots.

3. Child-rearing: Both men and women took part in raising children. Women were primarily responsible for caring for infants and young children, while men contributed through teaching and guiding older children.

4. Shelter construction: Men and women worked collaboratively to build and maintain their dwellings. Men typically constructed the framework and structure, while women would cover the shelters with hides or other materials.

5. Gathering: Women played a prominent role in gathering wild plants, berries, medicinal herbs, and other useful resources from the surrounding environment.

6. Trading: Both men and women participated in trade activities with other tribes, exchanging goods and resources.

7. Storytelling and education: Both men and women held important roles in passing down cultural traditions, knowledge, and history through storytelling, songs, and rituals.

8. Spiritual practices: Men and women shared responsibilities in spiritual practices, including participating in rituals, ceremonies, and making offerings.

It is important to note that the specific roles of men and women varied among different tribes within the plain Indians, and they were influenced by factors such as the availability of resources, cultural traditions, and geographic location.