The inclined plane shown below is being used to lift a box 6.0 feet. The inclined plane has a mechanical advantage of 1.5. What is the length, x, of the inclined plane? mechanical advantage = (length of ramp)/(height of ramp) a 9.0 feet b 7.5 feet c 2.5 feet d 0.25 feet

The formula for mechanical advantage is mechanical advantage = (length of ramp)/(height of ramp). We know the mechanical advantage is 1.5, and the height of the ramp is 6.0 feet. We need to solve for the length of the ramp.

1.5 = x/6.0

Multiply both sides by 6.0 to isolate x:

1.5 * 6.0 = x

9.0 = x

The length, x, of the inclined plane is 9.0 feet.

The correct answer is a) 9.0 feet.