From an ethical standpoint, which best describes why new biotechnology products should be tested extensively before they are allowed to be used?

Many new products end up being more expensive than they appear to be.
Biotechnology products tend to stop working after a few years.
There can be unintended consequences to many new biotechnology
There are usually no benefits to the products of biotechnology.

From an ethical standpoint, the best description as to why new biotechnology products should be tested extensively before they are allowed to be used is that there can be unintended consequences to many new biotechnology products. This is because extensive testing helps to identify and mitigate potential risks or adverse effects that the products may have on individuals, society, or the environment. Ethically, it is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of individuals and the environment, and thorough testing can help ensure that the potential unintended consequences are understood and minimized before widespread use.