If two adjacent angles with measures (x+18) and x are inside a 90° angle, what is the equation for the two adjacent angles?

The sum of two adjacent angles inside a 90° angle is equal to 90°. Therefore, we can write the equation as:

(x + 18) + x = 90

The equation for the two adjacent angles in the image you described is:

(5x - 25)° + 55° = 180°

This equation is based on the fact that the sum of adjacent angles on a straight line is always 180°. The first angle is represented by the expression (5x - 25)°, and the second angle is 55°. By adding these two angles together, they should equal 180°.

Write an equation for the two adjacent angles.

An illustration shows three rays from a common vertex with labeled angles. The first ray is inclined to the horizontal left of the common vertex with an arrow at the end. The second ray is inclined to the horizontal right of the common vertex with an arrow at the end. The third ray is to the top right of the common vertex with an arrow at the end. It is between the other two rays. The angle between the first and the third rays is labeled as left parenthesis 5 x minus 25 right parenthesis degrees. The angle between the second and third rays as labeled as 55 degrees.