Compare and contrast two physical properties of apples and oranges (similarities AND differences).

One physical property of apples and oranges that is similar is their shape. Both fruits are generally round and have a spherical or oval shape. This makes them easy to hold and eat with one hand.

However, when it comes to color, apples and oranges have distinct differences. Apples can be found in various colors such as red, green, and yellow, depending on the variety. On the other hand, oranges are mainly orange in color, with variations ranging from pale orange to deep orange. These colors are unique to each fruit, making them easily distinguishable from one another.

In terms of texture, apples and oranges also differ. Apples have a more firm and crisp texture, making them enjoyable to bite into. Oranges, on the other hand, have a softer and juicier texture. They are known for their refreshing and succulent flesh that is easy to peel and pull apart.

Overall, while apples and oranges share similarities in shape, their colors and textures differentiate them from one another.