What is the chemical element with the atomic number 2?  A. Carbon (C) B. Nitrogen (N) C. Oxygen (O) D. Hydrogen (H)"

D. Hydrogen (H)

Can you explain why

The chemical element with the atomic number 2 is hydrogen (H). The atomic number of an element represents the number of protons in its nucleus. Since hydrogen has an atomic number of 1, it means it has one proton in its nucleus. Therefore, an element with an atomic number of 2 would have 2 protons, and hydrogen is the only element that matches this criteria.

Which of the following statements are true about compounds?**

A. They are made up of two or more chemical elements

B. Their physical or chemical properties can change depending on the conditions

C. They are made up of elements from the same group on the periodic table

D. They are all insoluble in water"

The true statements about compounds are:

A. They are made up of two or more chemical elements.
B. Their physical or chemical properties can change depending on the conditions.

C. They are made up of elements from the same group on the periodic table (This statement is not always true. Compounds can be made up of elements from different groups on the periodic table).

In the case of statement D, it is not universally true. There are compounds that are soluble in water and compounds that are insoluble in water, depending on their chemical properties and interactions with water molecules.