Patient X usually ingests about 2,000 calories daily. If Patient X is placed on a regimen that cuts that daily intake by 20%, how many calories will Patient X consume in a week?

To find out how many calories Patient X will consume in a week, we need to calculate the daily calorie intake after the 20% reduction and then multiply it by the number of days in a week.

First, we need to calculate the reduction in calories by finding 20% of 2,000:
20% * 2,000 = 0.20 * 2,000 = 400 calories.

Then we subtract the reduction from the initial daily intake:
2,000 - 400 = 1,600 calories.

Now to find the weekly intake, we multiply the daily intake by the number of days in a week:
1,600 * 7 = 11,200 calories.

Therefore, Patient X will consume 11,200 calories in a week on the regimen that cuts their daily intake by 20%.