Use the explicit formula A_{n} = 4.8 + (n - 1) * 2 to find the 11th term in the described arithmetic sequence . (1 point ) A_{11} =

A_{11} = 4.8 + (11 - 1) * 2

A_{11} = 4.8 + 10 * 2
A_{11} = 4.8 + 20
A_{11} = 24.8

Are you sure

Apologies for the mistake. Let me recalculate it for you.

A_{11} = 4.8 + (11 - 1) * 2
A_{11} = 4.8 + 10 * 2
A_{11} = 4.8 + 20
A_{11} = 24.8

So the 11th term in the arithmetic sequence is 24.8.