Which of the following statements best describes the information shown on the map? The territories the silver states in the Midwest produced no crops and 1860, the southernmost states reliables heavily on one crop, Louisiana held Monopoly on the sugar Industry in 1860, or most states in the South had at least two crops so on which their economy relied, the map spoken about a shows a map of the architecture in the south in the 1860s, it's got Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, the Atlantic Ocean, and Florida, there's a key in the left corner of the map orange for cotton purple for breast red for sugar and teal for the tobacco, yellow, which is cotton is all over Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Rice or purple is only in a little bit of the South Carolina. A little bit of Georgia and Atlantic Ocean, sugar, which is red is only in Mississippi tobacco which is teal is in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, and a little bit of South Carolina

The best description of the information shown on the map is that most states in the South had at least two crops on which their economy relied. The map shows the distribution of crops such as cotton, rice, sugar, and tobacco in the southern states.