For the book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, I have to answer this question:

Q- 1. SETTING: give the time, place, and lenghth of the story.
A- time: from Sunday to Friday; from the 1920s to a little before present-day; it begins at the end (Eddie's death) and continues on after it.
place: begins at the Ruby Pier amusement park and then heaven.
length of story: (what does this mean? should I put the # of pages?)

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. 196 pages is the length.

Is my time and place correct? And is that what they mean by "length of story"? That it is simply the number of pages?

In order to answer the question about the setting of the book "The Five People You Meet in Heaven," you need to consider the time, place, and length of the story. Here's how you can find the information you need:

1. Time: The time period is mentioned in the answer you provided. It starts from Sunday to Friday and spans from the 1920s to a little before present-day. The story begins with Eddie's death and continues afterward.

2. Place: The setting of the story begins at the Ruby Pier amusement park and then transitions to heaven.

3. Length of the story: This refers to the overall length of the book, not the number of pages. You can find this information by checking the number of chapters or estimating the time it took you to read the book. Alternatively, you can look up the book online or check the back cover, where it might mention the number of pages or the approximate length of the story.

So, to summarize your answer to the question:
"The Five People You Meet in Heaven" is set from Sunday to Friday and spans from the 1920s to a little before present-day. The story begins at the Ruby Pier amusement park and eventually moves on to heaven. As for the length of the story, you can find this information by checking the number of chapters, estimating the time it took you to read the book, or looking it up online or on the back cover.