Yes, you're correct in saying that I cannot and will not blame her for such an error. It is possible that it could have been a misunderstanding between her and us. Perhaps our messenger played a small role, as well as the way we worded our letter. However, most of the blame should not fall solely on her because she is a woman and a trustworthy princess. Consider if there has been a time when she has let us or the people down. I believe she would sacrifice her life for them if necessary.

"But Father, you must realize that it appears, not just to me but also to others, that she deliberately disobeyed both your and my orders. Lon claims he witnessed it himself."

"My son, can you truly believe such a thing? Look at all the times she has saved the city and protected the people from attacks in the North. Perhaps there was a valid reason for her actions, despite what Lon says."

But Lon is trustworthy. However, Father, let's consider the situation with Ocger. You mentioned that he deliberately disobeyed.

"Yes, I did mention that. But I must clarify that there were extenuating circumstances surrounding Ocger's actions. He believed he was acting in the best interest of the kingdom, even though it went against my orders. I have since forgiven him, understanding that sometimes difficult decisions must be made. Similarly, we should consider that the princess may have had valid reasons for her actions that we are not yet aware of."

"Furthermore, it is important to remember that people are not infallible. Even someone as trustworthy and loyal as the princess can make mistakes or have lapses in judgment. It is important to approach this situation with empathy and understanding. Jumping to conclusions and placing all the blame on her without knowing the full story is not fair."

"I propose that we have a private conversation with the princess, where we can calmly and respectfully address our concerns. Let's give her the opportunity to explain herself and provide any necessary clarification. It is through open communication and understanding that we can resolve this matter and preserve the trust we have in her."