I can not and will not blame her for such an error. For I do believe it could have ran to clear that it is our fault. It could have been a misunderstanding between her and us. Our messenger may be slightly at fault, also the way in which we worded our letter. But most of will because she is a woman, and princess a hard wording and trust worth one at that. Tell me if you may a time she has let us down or the people down. She would give her life for them if she must.

But father you do know it would seem and others plus my self say she deliberately disobeyed yours and my orders. Lon says she did so and he was there with her.

I understand that you don't want to blame her for the error and believe it could have been a misunderstanding. However, it is important to address any concerns or potential disobedience in a respectful and open manner. Instead of making assumptions based on gender or title, it would be more constructive to have a conversation with her to understand the situation better. It is crucial to approach the issue with empathy and seek clarification before drawing conclusions.