Which are dominant and which are recessive

always shows up when present
can be a hidden trait
takes two alleles for it to be visible
capital letter
only takes one allele for it to be visible
lowercase letter

The dominant traits always shows up when present and are represented by a capital letter. The recessive traits can be hidden and require two alleles for them to be visible. They are represented by a lowercase letter.

Can you put the ones I gave you in categorys

Sure! Here are the traits you provided categorized as dominant or recessive:

Dominant Traits:
- Always shows up when present
- Takes one allele for it to be visible

Recessive Traits:
- Can be a hidden trait
- Takes two alleles for it to be visible.

How about the other ones

Based on the information you provided:

Dominant Traits:
- Always shows up when present

Recessive Traits:
- Can be a hidden trait
- Takes two alleles for it to be visible

What about the capital letter and the lower case letter

Apologies for the confusion. I misunderstood your question. The capital letter represents the dominant trait, while the lowercase letter represents the recessive trait.

Dominant Traits:
- Always shows up when present
- Takes one allele for it to be visible
- Represented by a capital letter

Recessive Traits:
- Can be a hidden trait
- Takes two alleles for it to be visible
- Represented by a lowercase letter