by the the author Peter Vanham what are the primary and secondary source of the article A brief history of globalization

As an AI language model, I can provide you with an analysis based on general knowledge, but I cannot access specific articles or information from specific authors like Peter Vanham. Therefore, I cannot provide you with the primary and secondary sources of the article "A brief history of globalization" by Peter Vanham specifically. However, I can give you an example of what primary and secondary sources could be used in an article on the topic of globalization.

Primary sources for an article on the history of globalization could include:

1. Historical documents: This could include treaties, agreements, and declarations between countries related to trade, migration, or economic cooperation.
2. Newspaper articles: Contemporary newspaper articles from different periods could provide insights into public opinion and debates about globalization.
3. Government records: Data and reports from governmental institutions that document policies related to globalization, such as trade statistics or immigration records.
4. Personal testimonies: Interviews, memoirs, or diaries of individuals who experienced and witnessed the effects of globalization firsthand.

Secondary sources for the same article could include:

1. Scholarly articles and books: These academic sources analyze and interpret primary sources, providing historical context, theories, and frameworks for understanding globalization.
2. Economic and sociological studies: Research papers that analyze global economic trends, social effects, and cultural exchange as a result of globalization.
3. Historical reviews and documentaries: Secondary sources in the form of documentaries or literature that synthesize primary source material to present an overview of globalization over specific periods or regions.
4. Commentaries and opinions: Newspaper editorials, expert opinions, or commentaries that analyze and discuss the impact of globalization and provide different perspectives on the topic.

Please note that the exact sources used in a specific article can vary depending on the author's preferences and the scope of the article.