A list of values ordered from least to greatest is shown. One of the values is missing.

8/5, √8, ?, 3^√64

Select all the values that could be the missing value in the list.







To find the missing value in the list, we can compare the given values and see which one fits into the sequence.

Given values: 8/5, √8, ?, 3^√64

Comparing the given values, we can see the following relationships:
8/5 is greater than √8, and 3^√64 is the greatest value among all.

From this information, we can conclude that the missing value must be greater than √8 but less than 3^√64.

Now let's check the options to see which ones fit this criteria:

π is approximately 3.14159 which is greater than √8 (2.82843) but less than 3^√64 (17.03). So, π could be the missing value.

12/5 is greater than √8 (2.82843) but less than 3^√64 (17.03). So, 12/5 could be the missing value.

√9 is 3, which is greater than √8 (2.82843) but less than 3^√64 (17.03). So, √9 could be the missing value.

√20 is approximately 4.47214 which is greater than √8 (2.82843) but less than 3^√64 (17.03). So, √20 could be the missing value.

3^√30 is approximately 37.10459 which is greater than √8 (2.82843) but less than 3^√64 (17.03). So, √20 could be the missing value.

250% can be written as 2.5, which is greater than √8 (2.82843) but less than 3^√64 (17.03). So, 250% could be the missing value.

Based on this analysis, all the given options (π, 12/5, √9, √20, 3^√30, 250%) could be the missing value in the list.