Imagine that the sun disappeared from the universe tomorrow. Which sphere or spheres would this affect?(1 point) Responses atmosphere atmosphere all spheres all spheres biosphere biosphere atmosphere and biosphere

This event would primarily affect the atmosphere and biosphere.

The atmosphere would be directly affected by the absence of the sun as it provides heat to the Earth, creating temperature differences that shape weather patterns. Moreover, the sun's energy drives the water cycle, influencing precipitation and evaporation. Without sunlight, the atmosphere would cool rapidly, leading to drastic changes in temperature and weather conditions.

The biosphere would also be greatly impacted since it relies on the sun's energy for photosynthesis. Photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and algae, use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose, providing the basis for food chains and ecosystems. Without the sun, these primary producers would not be able to survive, leading to the collapse of most terrestrial and aquatic food chains.

While the disappearance of the sun could indirectly affect other spheres, such as the hydrosphere and lithosphere, the most significant consequences would be observed in the atmosphere and biosphere.