Jaime is 6 feet (ft) tall and casts a 2.5 ft shadow while a flagpole, with a height of h, casts a 10 ft shadow, as shown. Two similar triangles are formed when a line is drawn from the tip of the flagpole to the end of Jaime's shadow

What is the height, in feet, of the flagpole?

We can set up the following proportion using the similar triangles formed by Jaime and the flagpole:

(height of Jaime) / (length of Jaime's shadow) = (height of flagpole) / (length of flagpole's shadow)

Plugging in the given values, we have:

6 ft / 2.5 ft = h / 10 ft

Cross multiplying, we get:

6 ft * 10 ft = 2.5 ft * h

60 ft^2 = 2.5 ft * h

Dividing both sides by 2.5 ft, we get:

24 ft = h

Therefore, the height of the flagpole is 24 feet.