which of the following was started as part of the dred Scott V. Sanford ruling.

None of the following options were started as part of the Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling:

1. The Civil Rights Act of 1866: This legislation was passed by Congress the year after the Dred Scott decision and aimed to provide legal protection to the newly freed slaves.

2. The Emancipation Proclamation: This executive order, issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862, declared the freedom of slaves in Confederate territories during the American Civil War. The Dred Scott ruling actually undermined the potential impact of the Emancipation Proclamation by asserting that slaves were property and had no rights as citizens.

3. The abolitionist movement: This movement had been active for many years before the Dred Scott ruling and aimed to end slavery in the United States.

4. The Underground Railroad: This network of secret routes and safe houses was established before the Dred Scott ruling to assist enslaved individuals in escaping to free states or Canada.