In "Why, You Reckon?" what argument does the other man say to persuade the narrator to team up with him? What lesson do you think the narrator learned from his experience with the other man and Edward? 4 sentences

In "Why, You Reckon?", the other man argues that their chances of survival would be better if they teamed up. He emphasizes the importance of companionship and mutual support in the harsh environment, stating that they could protect each other and have a better chance of finding food and shelter. The man also highlights the risks of going it alone, pointing out the dangers of loneliness and vulnerability.

From his experience with the other man and Edward, the narrator likely learns the value of trust and collaboration. He realizes that survival is aided by forming relationships and relying on others. Additionally, he may understand the significance of shared resources and knowledge, understanding that unity is a strength in overcoming challenges. Ultimately, the narrator likely learns that survival is not just an individual effort but can be greatly enhanced through cooperation.