
How did Buddhism affect India?

(1 point)

It became the major religion in India, taking the place of Hinduism.

It became the major religion in India, taking the place of Hinduism.

It offered an alternative to the rigid caste system of Hinduism.

It offered an alternative to the rigid caste system of Hinduism.

It changed the culture to focus on one God rather than many gods.

It changed the culture to focus on one God rather than many gods.

It led to a political uprising that toppled the Indian government.

None of the above statements is completely accurate.

Buddhism did not become the major religion in India, nor did it replace Hinduism. While Buddhism did gain significant popularity during its early years in India, it eventually declined in the country and became a minority religion.

Buddhism did offer an alternative to the rigid caste system of Hinduism. It rejected the notion of caste hierarchy and emphasized equality and liberation for all individuals, regardless of their social status.

Buddhism did not change the culture to focus on one God rather than many gods. Buddhism is primarily a non-theistic religion, which means it does not emphasize the worship of a single deity. Hinduism, on the other hand, is a polytheistic religion that acknowledges multiple gods and goddesses.

Buddhism did not lead to a political uprising that toppled the Indian government. While Buddhism did play a role in various social and political movements in India, it did not directly lead to the overthrow of any government.


I apologize if my previous response did not meet your expectations. Based on the given options, the most accurate answer would be:

It offered an alternative to the rigid caste system of Hinduism.