simple 5 sentences-Some historians say that attacks by abolitionists actually strengthened sectionalism in the South instead of weakening it. How might the abolitionists have been contributing to the tensions arising over slavery? Provide two specific examples of the Southern response to the abolitionist attacks.

Abolitionists contributed to the tensions arising over slavery by challenging the legality and morality of the institution. Their active campaigns against slavery and promotion of anti-slavery literature increased awareness and discussion around the issue. This heightened attention on slavery intensified the Southern fear of economic and social disruption.

One specific example of the Southern response to abolitionist attacks was the passing of laws that restricted the rights of free Black people. Southern states implemented harsher slave codes to prevent any possibility of slave uprisings or support for the abolitionist cause.

Another response was the violent suppression of abolitionist opinions and activities. Mob violence, such as the attack on the abolitionist Elijah Lovejoy and the burning of his printing press, demonstrated the extreme measures that some Southerners resorted to in order to silence opposition to slavery.

Overall, the abolitionists' outspoken opposition to slavery threatened the profitability of the Southern economy and challenged deeply ingrained beliefs about racial superiority. These factors contributed to the strengthening of sectionalism in the South and further heightened tensions between the North and South leading up to the Civil War.