An airplane travels from St. Louis Missouri to Portland Oregon in 4.33 hours. The distance traveled is 2742 km the same airplane returns to St. Louis by the same route because the prevailing winds push the airplane along the trip takes 3.75 hours what is the average speed for this trip?

To find the average speed, we need to calculate the total distance traveled and divide it by the total time taken.

Distance traveled from St. Louis to Portland: 2742 km
Time taken from St. Louis to Portland: 4.33 hours

Distance traveled from Portland to St. Louis: 2742 km
Time taken from Portland to St. Louis: 3.75 hours

Total distance traveled: 2742 km + 2742 km = 5484 km
Total time taken: 4.33 hours + 3.75 hours = 8.08 hours

Average speed = Total distance / Total time
Average speed = 5484 km / 8.08 hours

Using a calculator, we can perform the division to find the average speed.
Average speed ≈ 678.22 km/h

Therefore, the average speed for this round trip is approximately 678.22 km/h.