Suppose you’re walking home after school the distance from school to your home is 5 km on Foote. You can get home in 25 minutes however if you wrote a bike you could get home in 10 minutes what is your average speed while walking? What is your average speedway, bicycling and how much faster you travel on your bicycle?

To find the average speed while walking, we need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken:

Average speed while walking = Distance / Time = 5 km / 25 minutes

To simplify the units, let's convert minutes to hours by dividing by 60:

Average speed while walking = 5 km / (25/60) hours = 5 km / (5/12) hours = 5 km * (12/5) / 1 hour = 12 km/h

Therefore, the average speed while walking is 12 km/h.

Similarly, to find the average speed while bicycling, we use the same formula:

Average speed while bicycling = Distance / Time = 5 km / 10 minutes

Converting minutes to hours:

Average speed while bicycling = 5 km / (10/60) hours = 5 km / (1/6) hours = 5 km * 6 / 1 hour = 30 km/h

Therefore, the average speed while bicycling is 30 km/h.

To find how much faster you travel on your bicycle compared to walking, we can subtract the average walking speed from the average bicycling speed:

Relative speed on bicycle = Average speed while bicycling - Average speed while walking = 30 km/h - 12 km/h

Relative speed on bicycle = 18 km/h

Therefore, you travel 18 km/h faster on your bicycle compared to walking.