Some plants have sugar in their roots. How does this adaptation help with survival?(1 point)


The sugar is used to create new plants.
The sugar is used to create new plants.

Having the sugar under the ground keeps animals from finding and eating it.
Having the sugar under the ground keeps animals from finding and eating it.

The sugar attracts animals to eat the roots.
The sugar attracts animals to eat the roots.

The sugar can help the plant survive by storing energy.

The sugar can help the plant survive by storing energy.

Which adaptation in a berry plant is for reproduction? (1 point)


sugar in the berries
sugar in the berries

chlorophyll in the leaves
chlorophyll in the leaves

thorns on the stem
thorns on the stem

flowers on the plant

flowers on the plant

How do tropisms help plants survive?(1 point)


Plants grow toward things they need.
Plants grow toward things they need.

Plants limit their needs in harsh conditions.
Plants limit their needs in harsh conditions.

Plants grow together with other plants.
Plants grow together with other plants.

Plants create their own food using chlorophyll.

Plants grow toward things they need.

A plant is observed to have deep roots and tendrils that wrap around objects. Which pair of tropisms correctly describe these responses?(1 point)


hydrotropism and geotropism
hydrotropism and geotropism

geotropism and phototropism
geotropism and phototropism

phototropism and thigmotropism
phototropism and thigmotropism

hydrotropism and thigmotropism

geotropism and thigmotropism

Pole beans need something to grow around and up. Which kind of stimuli can encourage this type of growth?(1 point)





