Why did Hester's testimony make her desirable as a counselor and confidante? How might your own struggles (that you became victorious in) make you a good source of godly counsel and empathy?

Hester's testimony made her desirable as a counselor and confidante because it showcased her ability to overcome and endure immense hardship. The scarlet letter she wore on her chest symbolized her public shame and served as a constant reminder of her sin. However, instead of succumbing to despair or bitterness, Hester chose to confront her sin, repent, and seek redemption. This journey of personal growth and resilience made her a relatable figure, someone who understood the depths of human suffering and was able to offer guidance from a place of personal experience.

Similarly, personal struggles that have been overcome can make someone a good source of godly counsel and empathy. Having gone through difficult times and emerged victorious demonstrates both a deep understanding of pain and the ability to rise above it. This firsthand experience allows individuals to empathize with others who are facing similar challenges and provide them with genuine and relatable advice.

Additionally, personal struggles that have been overcome can also serve as a testament to one's faith and relationship with God. Going through trials and tribulations often leads individuals to lean on their faith and seek God's guidance. The lessons and spiritual growth gained from these experiences can be used to provide godly counsel and show others the way to find strength, comfort, and healing in their own journeys.

Overall, Hester's testimony and personal struggles made her a desirable counselor and confidante due to her relatability, empathy, and ability to provide guidance from a place of personal experience. Similarly, individuals who have overcome their own struggles can offer empathy, understanding, and godly counsel to others facing similar challenges.