When do use a comma in a sentence

There are several instances when you should use a comma in a sentence:

1. To separate items in a list: "I bought apples, oranges, and bananas."

2. To separate two independent clauses joined by a conjunction: "She likes to read books, and he enjoys painting."

3. To set off introductory phrases or clauses: "In the morning, I like to go for a run."

4. To separate nonessential information or phrases: "John, who is my brother, lives in New York."

5. To separate coordinate adjectives: "She had a beautiful, colorful dress."

6. To separate a direct quotation from the rest of the sentence: "He said, 'I will be there.'"

These are just a few examples of when to use a comma, and there are other rules and exceptions to consider depending on the context of the sentence.