An illustration shows a coordinate plane. Both x- and y-axes range from negative 10 to 10 in one unit increments. A quadrilateral with vertices P Q R S is drawn on it. Vertex P is at coordinates left parenthesis 4 comma 6 right parenthesis, vertex Q is at coordinates left parenthesis 7 comma 2 right parenthesis, vertex R is at coordinates left parenthesis 5 comma negative 2 right parenthesis, and vertex S is at coordinates left parenthesis 2 comma 2 right parenthesis.

Translate figure PQRS 6 units down and 2 units to the right. What are the coordinates of P′?

To translate figure PQRS 6 units down, we subtract 6 from the y-coordinate of each vertex. To translate the figure 2 units to the right, we add 2 to the x-coordinate of each vertex.

For vertex P:
The original coordinates are (4, 6).
Subtracting 6 from the y-coordinate and adding 2 to the x-coordinate, we get (4 + 2, 6 - 6).
Thus, the coordinates of P' are (6, 0).