A verse to read when going to sleep after your broke your fast and a prayer based on that verse


"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28


Dear Heavenly Father,

As I lay down to rest after breaking my fast, I am grateful for the nourishment and sustenance you have provided. Thank you for guiding me through this day and for helping me stay strong in my resolve.

Tonight, I bring this verse from Romans 8:28 before you. I understand that in all things, you work for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Help me internalize this truth, especially during moments of doubt and difficulty. Allow me to remember that even during challenging times, you have a plan, and you are working all things together for my ultimate good.

Lord, I surrender my worries, anxieties, and concerns unto you. Please grant me a peaceful and restful night's sleep, knowing that you are in control. Renew my strength as I sleep, so I wake up with a refreshed spirit, ready to face another day of fasting and seeking your guidance.

Thank you for your unfailing love and constant presence in my life. I trust in your plans and promises. In Jesus' name, I pray.
