List three emotional changes teenagers experience

1. Increased mood swings: Teenagers often experience sudden and intense changes in their emotions. They may go from being happy and excited one minute to feeling sad, angry, or frustrated the next. These mood swings can be attributed to hormonal changes and the stress of adolescence.

2. Heightened sensitivity: Teenagers may become more sensitive to criticism, rejection, and social pressures. They may feel intense emotions of self-doubt, insecurity, and fear of judgment from their peers. This sensitivity is linked to the intense desire for acceptance and the need for social belonging during this period of development.

3. Developing intense romantic feelings: Teenagers begin to experience romantic and sexual attractions for the first time. This brings about a whole range of emotions such as infatuation, excitement, jealousy, and heartbreak. The exploration of romantic relationships can be emotionally intense and often leads to a rollercoaster of emotions for teenagers.