Reflect triangle ABC with respect to the x -axis and the y -axis. What are the vertices of triangle A′B′C′ ?

To reflect a triangle with respect to the x-axis, we need to change the sign of the y-coordinates of each vertex.

So, if the original triangle ABC has vertices A(a, b), B(c, d), and C(e, f), then the reflected triangle A′B′C′ has vertices A′(a, -b), B′(c, -d), and C′(e, -f).

To reflect the triangle with respect to the y-axis, we need to change the sign of the x-coordinates of each vertex.

So, the reflected triangle A′B′C′ with respect to both the x and y-axis would have vertices A′′(-a, -b), B′′(-c, -d), and C′′(-e, -f).