In a triangle abc angle a is twice as large as angle B and angle b is 20 more than angle the sum of interior angle of triangle is 180⁰

Let the measure of angle B be x.

According to the given information, angle A is twice as large as angle B, so angle A = 2x.
And angle C is 20 more than the sum of angle A and angle B, so angle C = 2x + x + 20 = 3x + 20.

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees.
So, we can write the following equation:
A + B + C = 180
2x + x + (3x + 20) = 180
6x + 20 = 180
6x = 160
x = 160/6
x ≈ 26.67

So, angle B is approximately 26.67 degrees.
And angle A is double the measure of angle B, so angle A = 2(26.67) ≈ 53.33 degrees.
And angle C is 3 times the measure of angle B plus 20, so angle C = 3(26.67) + 20 ≈ 100 degrees.

Therefore, angle A ≈ 53.33 degrees, angle B ≈ 26.67 degrees, and angle C ≈ 100 degrees.