The arrival of the singer caused the village to erupt in a of activityMargaret found herself in the midst of the boisterous crowd. Dodging welcome signs, she attempted to cross the crowded plazaShe had enjoyed the village's hospitality while trying to stay detached about her subject The return of the international star to his beginnings was a major event in the village. As a reporter, Margaret needed to remain impartial, so she could portray the villagers' reactions objectively in her article. Why does the author include details about Margaret's attempt to remain impartial? to focus mainly on Margaret's impression of the singer 2to strengthen the idea that Maragaret enjoys the village 3 to emphasize that Margaret wants to be professional

The correct answer is option 3: to emphasize that Margaret wants to be professional.

The author includes details about Margaret's attempt to remain impartial to highlight her professionalism as a reporter. By emphasizing Margaret's desire to remain impartial and portray the villagers' reactions objectively, it shows that she takes her job seriously and is dedicated to maintaining journalistic integrity. It also suggests that she is conscious of her role as an observer and is making an effort to fulfill her responsibilities as a reporter.