I kneaded the dough but then let it set so the

could make it rise.

Exponent: a person who promotes or represents something.

Example: The speaker at the conference was an exponent of renewable energy.

Heirloom: a valuable object that has been passed down through generations of a family.

Example: The antique necklace was a cherished family heirloom.

Vigilance: the state of being watchful and alert, especially to detect potential danger.

Example: The security guard maintained vigilance throughout the night to ensure the building's safety.

Leavening: a substance, such as yeast, that causes dough or batter to rise by fermentation.

Example: Baking powder is commonly used as a leavening agent in cakes and breads.

pick one

Sure! Let's focus on "vigilance."

Vigilance: the state of being watchful and alert, especially to detect potential danger.

Example: The security guard maintained vigilance throughout the night to ensure the building's safety.