kneaded the dough but then let it set so the could make it rise . 1 exponent 2 heirloom 3 vigilance 4 leavening

1 exponent: In mathematics, an exponent refers to the number multiplied by itself a certain number of times. For example, in the expression 2^3, 2 is the base and 3 is the exponent, resulting in 2 cubed or 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.

2 heirloom: Heirloom typically refers to valuable objects or possessions, especially ones that have been passed down through multiple generations within a family. In the context of food, heirloom often refers to plant varieties that have been cultivated for many years and are prized for their unique characteristics and flavors.

3 vigilance: Vigilance refers to the state of being watchful, alert, and attentive, especially in regards to potential dangers, risks, or threats. It often implies constant monitoring and an active mindset to prevent problems or react quickly to unfavorable situations.

4 leavening: Leavening is the process of adding a substance (such as yeast or baking powder) to a dough or batter in order to make it rise. The leavening agent produces carbon dioxide gas, which gets trapped within the dough, resulting in a lighter and fluffier texture.