The head of a push pin has a diameter of 4 mm as shown below.

Push pin

What is the approximate circumference of the head of a push pin? Use 3.14 for 𝜋.

The head of a push pin has a diameter of 4 mm as shown below.

Push pin

What is the approximate circumference of the head of a push pin? Use 3.14 for 𝜋.

50.24 mm

1.27 mm

7.14 mm

12.56 mm

The circumference of a circle is calculated using the formula C = πd, where C is the circumference and d is the diameter. Given the diameter of 4 mm, we can substitute it in the formula to find the circumference:

C = 3.14 * 4 mm
C ≈ 12.56 mm

Hence, the approximate circumference of the head of a push pin is 12.56 mm.