What did Vargas agree to do in order to achieve a peaceful reconquest

Vargas agreed to implement a number of reforms and political concessions in order to achieve a peaceful reconquest. These included:

1. Granting amnesty to political opponents and allowing them to participate in the political process.
2. Establishing a multi-party system and allowing for free and fair elections.
3. Guaranteeing civil liberties and freedom of the press.
4. Promoting social and economic reforms, such as increasing workers' rights and improving living conditions for the poor.
5. Redistributing land to peasants and implementing agrarian reforms.
6. Implementing progressive taxation policies to address income inequality.
7. Promoting industrialization and economic development to stimulate the economy and create jobs.
8. Collaborating with international organizations and seeking foreign investment to support the country's development.

By implementing these measures, Vargas aimed to address the grievances of various social groups and create a more inclusive and equitable society, reducing the likelihood of violent opposition to his government and achieving a peaceful reconquest.