Number the following in the order which they occurred, first to last.

____ Julius Ceasar dominates over the republic and declares himself dictator of Rome through war and unrest.
____ Constantine united the entire empire under his control and established a new capital called Constantinople. He also converted to Christianity and issued the Edict of Milan, allowing others to adopt Christianity as well
_____ The Romans overthrow the ruling kingdom, remove the last king from power, and establish the republic.
____ Augustus takes power and marks the beginning of the Roman Empire. The Pax Romana begins - will endure/last for the next 200 years.
____ Rome is sacked by Germanic tribes, marking the end of the Roman Empire in the east.

3. The Romans overthrow the ruling kingdom, remove the last king from power, and establish the republic.

1. Julius Ceasar dominates over the republic and declares himself dictator of Rome through war and unrest.
4. Augustus takes power and marks the beginning of the Roman Empire. The Pax Romana begins - will endure/last for the next 200 years.
2. Constantine united the entire empire under his control and established a new capital called Constantinople. He also converted to Christianity and issued the Edict of Milan, allowing others to adopt Christianity as well.
5. Rome is sacked by Germanic tribes, marking the end of the Roman Empire in the east.