5x +100 =140 -100. -100 5× = 40 5÷5 = X 40 ÷ 5= 8 X = 8 how can this be used as a real world inequality problem

This problem can be used as a real-world inequality problem by considering a situation where a person has a certain amount of money (represented by the variable "x") and wants to spend $100 on a particular item.

The equation 5x + 100 = 140 represents the total cost (140) when an additional $100 is added to the cost of the item (5x). By rearranging the equation, we find that 5x = 40. This means that the cost of the item alone (5x) is $40.

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 5, resulting in x = 8. This means the person can afford to spend $8 on the item after subtracting $100 from their original amount of money.

Inequality can be introduced in this scenario if we limit the amount of money the person has to spend. For example, if the person only has $50, we can create the inequality 5x + 100 ≤ 50. By substituting x with 8 and evaluating the inequality, we find that it is not true since 5(8) + 100 is not less than or equal to 50. This shows that the person cannot afford the item with $50.

Therefore, this real-world inequality problem demonstrates how the equation and solution can be used to determine if a person can afford an item based on their available money.