25/ 3/8 - 20 /3/4 + 4/ 6/7 what is the answer to the equation above please give me the correct answer because I have confirmed that the correct answer should be 2 /11/12 so the answer you give me should be that okay now just show me how to do the formula and how to do it to get the answer that I've told you thank you bye just give me the answer okay okay

To solve the equation, we need to perform the operations in the given expression step by step.

First, let's convert all the fractions into improper fractions:

25/3 = 8 1/3
20/3/4 = 20/3 * 4/1 = 80/3
4/6/7 = 4/6 * 7/1 = 28/6

Now, let's simplify the expression:

8 1/3 - 80/3 + 28/6

To combine the fractions, we need a common denominator. The common denominator here is 6.

8 1/3 - 80/3 + 28/6
= 8 2/6 - 80/3 + 28/6
= 8 2/6 - 160/6 + 28/6

Now, let's subtract the fractions:

= (8 - 160 + 28)/6
= -124/6
= - 20 4/6

Finally, let's convert the improper fraction back into a mixed number:

-20 4/6 = -20 2/3

Therefore, the solution to the equation is -20 2/3.