Strength of Electrical Forces Quick Check

3 of 43 of 4 Items
Use the table of observations about the electric force between charged objects to answer the question.

Charge of Object 1 (C) Charge of Object 2 (C) Distance (mm) Amount of Electric Force
+1 +1 4 medium
–1 –1 2 strong
–2 +2 4 strong
An object with a charge of +1 C is 10 mm from an object with a charge of +1 C. Based on the data in the table, which type and amount of electrical force will there most likely be between the two objects?

(1 point)

attractive, strong
attractive, strong

attractive, weak
attractive, weak

repulsive, weak
repulsive, weak

repulsive, strong

The most likely type and amount of electrical force between the two objects is repulsive and strong.